Sunday, December 16, 2012

well finally I sit here with my head bowed and my heart empty I can not let this weekend pass without saying something, anything it would be remiss of me not too, 26 souls have passed since Friday, 20 little souls and 6 adult souls who tried to protect the innocent.
why am I posting, it hurts, my heart bleeds, and I find myself asking WHY?
how could this happen, what IS the solution?
sadly and more frighteningly I think there is NO easy solution to this but I do believe whole heartedly the answer lies at HOME, not the government not other people at HOME, children should be punished, disciplined and learn from their mistakes too often now children are pushed into a corner with a game system and left to their own devices yes parents are busy but it's NO excuse in my book.
it's time we step up and be who we want our children to be...

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