Wednesday, September 5, 2012 I sit here hitting the keys furiously I laugh to myself, writing a book is bizarre after all, what works for one person and has them screaming for more has another person burying their head in the pillows shouting enough already.  It's enough to turn the hair grey, well OK I already have a few of those.

A writer has to have a lot of self belief, if they don't they will crumble under the constant pressure, whether its a time line or edit, whether it's trying to find the funding for the best cover out there, it's all pressure and mostly put on by the writer themselves.

How do you combat your fears and anxiety on a daily basis?

Time roles on and my screen is sitting blank waiting on me to input the newest and greatest book out there yet to be published, I bid you all a great evening :-D

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

So I'm sitting here in the middle of writing  the follow on to A Grave Exchange, it's called A Grave Desire set in WWII and I find myself looking for inspirational music.
It dawned on me what do you like to listen to while composing or reading?

Right now I'm listening to this the German March songs of World War II
Let's not forget, coming soon this Autumn...

My first novella, A Grave Exchange.

The characters will lead you on paths never explored before you will find yourself gasping for breath, your heart tripping beats and your eyes flooding with tears all for the love of the characters Lucius Valentine and Ivy Steele.

Join me here to discuss and debate all things LOVE in the upcoming weeks.

Question for today:
What for you is one sure sign of love that leads to no doubts whatsoever?