what happens?
yer left behind eating dirt!
yes truly, you believe in something, stand up for what you believe in and somehow in doing so instead of being applauded you are kicked in the stomach and while down someone else decides to throw their two cents worth in and kick you also!!!!
why is it we set ourselves up for a bumpy ride by trusting the very person that will hurt us the most?
what special powers does this person have that we somehow let them get away with it?
more often than not they do not wear a special cape or have amazing powers to stun us.
instead they treat us badly, neglect us or antagonize us and yet we stand back and let them do it?
well why not?
but yes, why are we totally attracted to of all things Vampires?
is it their looks, not really they are undead after all...
is it there darkness?
perhaps! is it because we recognize some of ourselves in their darkened troubled souls?
what we go through in life they have lived through centuries, do we empathise with them?
I do believe so...tragic, lonely, abused, misunderstood, strong, determined and passionate...
would that not describe most of us at one or two paticular times in our life?
NO one and I do mean NO one should ever have to go through the horror of bullying, in any form or shape
No matter what yer beliefs are in life, Ye should always have respect from yer peers and yer elders and most importantly yer family!
Why is bullying still out there? Why has it not been stamped out with hangings and burnings of "witches"
How can society allow precious loved one's to fall through the cracks just because they might see things differently, say things differently, look different from the "fashionable" "norm"
I say it's up to each and everyone of us to eradicate this deadly disease that effects us all, any age, any social status, any religious believer, any personality at all...
Everyday we are bombarded with images of the "perfect" LOVE, the love we should all aspire to, to obtain at any price, even to sell our very soul in order to achieve it.
LOVE is not cheap, it's PRICELESS!
You can not BUY LOVE, it's freely given by someone who has sat with you, watched your tears fall as you disclosed your inner most fears while they held you tight and made you feel loved.
LOVE is beautiful, raw, open, honest, healthy, passionate and two way, not one way!
LOVE is tender, gentle, wild and free.
LOVE is everything and anything you both feel at any given moment together.
LOVE is laughing until you hurt, crying until the tears dry up and you fall asleep in the others arms, happy and content knowing you are loved.
LOVE can get angry, fierce even jealous at times, not because you don't trust each other but because you are human, you have fears and illogical moments of doubt, but if it's LOVE you will work through your fights and come out smiling...
isn't that all we need on a daily basis, as well as someone to point out how worthy we are to be hugged in the first place? Is it that hard to show our love of each other to each other?
In this disposable world we live in, our immediate needs are always taken care of, with the click of a button, however the thing that matters the most, our heart, is not a simple one click does all process...
We need to socialize not on FB, not on TWITTER, not through TEXTS, no we need human interaction, daily, a touch to our cheek a hand to hold...we are all forgetting how to communicate in the most basic ways...soon we will look to our animal relatives to learn how to act and socialize...what does this teach our children?
sometimes life throws ye into a situation ye no more wanted to be in than for example sitting in a dentists chair...yet ye have no choice, if ye do what ye really wanted to do it will rock the boat for more than one person...
I'm in a quandary...due to someone else's actions I'm free falling...if I try to put a stop to it the right way...too many others will get hurt, innocents but if I don't speak up...then I get hurt...life...